Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 29 August 1816

From James Monroe

29. augt 1816.

Jas Monroe’s best respects to mr Jefferson.

mr Rush has just left me to bid you farewell, intending, when he departed, to set out on his return to washington tomorrow. If you can keep him, I will be happy to join with him, the party, from your house, on the visit to mr Divers. But if he proceeds on his journey, it is possible that my engagments with him, may prevent me. I will join you if in my power, & at an early hour.

RC (DLC); dateline at foot of text; addressed: “Mr Jefferson. Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 29 Aug. 1816 and so recorded in SJL.

On 31 Aug. 1816 Monroe wrote to James Madison from “Albemarle” that “I presume there will be no call, in relation to the literary institution, contemplated by Mr Jefferson. I shall dine with him tomorrow & write you respecting it, again in the evening; the cause is imputable to the failure of the proposed arrangme[nt] in the Executive” (RC in DLC: Madison Papers, Rives Collection; edge trimmed). Monroe wrote Madison on 4 Sept. 1816 that “Mr Jefferson, mentiond to me, on monday that he expected you up, notwithstanding the particular object had failed” (RC in DLC: Madison Papers).

Index Entries

  • Divers, George; hosts dinner search
  • Monroe, James; invited to dinner search
  • Monroe, James; letters from search
  • Monroe, James; R. Rush visits search
  • Monticello (TJ’s estate); Visitors to; Rush, Richard search
  • Rush, Richard; visits J. Monroe search
  • Rush, Richard; visits Monticello search