Thomas Jefferson Papers

James Mease to Thomas Jefferson, 7 August 1816

From James Mease

Philadelphia 7th Augt 1816

Dear Sir

I contemplate collecting and publishing a volume or more of the letters addressed by my late friend Dr Rush to various persons on political, religious, and miscellaneous subjects, and as I know he had the pleasure to correspond with you, I will deem myself much obliged by being favoured with such as you may have in your possession. I will Carefully return them if so desired.—

I am with very Sincere respect

Your most obedient and obliged Servt

James Mease

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 15 Aug. 1816 but recorded in SJL as received a day earlier. RC (MHi); address cover only; with PoC of TJ to William Short, 14 Oct. 1816, on recto and verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Monticello”; franked; postmarked Philadelphia, 7 Aug. Probably enclosed in Richard Rush to TJ, 13 Nov. 1816.

Index Entries

  • Mease, James; and publication of B. Rush’s letters search
  • Mease, James; letters from search
  • Rush, Benjamin; proposed publication of letters of search