William Plumer to Thomas Jefferson, 9 July 1816
From William Plumer
Epping (N.H.) July 9th 1816
Dear Sir,
On my return from an active and interesting session of our legislature, permit me to present you with a copy of my speech to them at the commencement of their session. I offer this as a tribute of respect to your exalted talents & public services,1 and as an exposition of my own principles2 & views of government.
William Plumer
RC (MHi); at foot of text: “Hon. Thomas Jefferson Montecello Virginia”; endorsed by TJ as received 18 July 1816 and so recorded in SJL. FC (Lb in DLC: Plumer Papers); in Plumer’s hand. Enclosure: Plumer’s gubernatorial address to the New Hampshire legislature, 6 June 1816, celebrating the return of peace to the United States while reminding his audience that it is “our duty in time of peace to make the necessary preparations for war” (p. 14); calling for legislation to make the state’s militia requirements conform with national law; recommending the encouragement of manufacturing by exempting pertinent property from state taxes for “a certain number of years” (p. 17); suggesting that the state be divided into “equal and compact” congressional districts (p. 17) and that presidential electors be chosen by popular vote; advocating changes to the state judicial system; proposing a reduction in the salaries of the governor, supreme court justices, and treasurer; urging state protection of the “rights of conscience and of private judgment in religious matters” (p. 24); and calling for more state oversight of Dartmouth College, with his declaration that governments have “the right to amend and improve acts of incorporation of this nature” (p. 27) (Journal of the Honorable Senate, of the State of New-Hampshire [June 1816 sess.], 13–30; also printed in Concord New-Hampshire Patriot, 11 June 1816, and other newspapers).
1. Preceding three words not in FC.
2. RC: “priniples.” FC: “principles.”
3. Preceding two words not in FC.
Index Entries
- Dartmouth College; governance of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
- manufacturing; encouragement of in U.S. search
- militia; organization of search
- New Hampshire; electoral reforms proposed in search
- New Hampshire; legislature of search
- New Hampshire; militia of search
- Plumer, William; gubernatorial addresses of search
- Plumer, William; letters from search
- religion; freedom of search
- schools and colleges; Dartmouth College search