Thomas Jefferson Papers

Draft Agreement for Sale of Henderson Lands by John T. Wood, May 1816

Draft Agreement for Sale of Henderson Lands by John T. Wood

Articles of covenant and agreement1 entered into and concluded between John Wood of the state of Kentucky on the one part and Thomas Jefferson of the county of Albemarle in the commonwealth of Virginia on the other part on the   day of May one thousand eight hundred and sixteen.

The said John2 Wood on his part covenanteth with the sd Thomas that in the lands which were the property of Bennet Henderson decd around the town of Milton in Albemarle aforesaid, and adjacent thereto, he hath full title in feesimple to all the portion thereof which descended on Nancy Crawford3 Henderson, one of the daughters of the said Bennet, now the wife of Matthew Nelson or which have otherwise come to her; which title he acquired by purchase and conveyance from the said Matthew and Nancy Crawford4 his wife to him the said John Wood in feesimple. And that in his own right, and in that of Lucy5 his wife, another of the daughters of the sd Bennet, he hath full title and power to sell and convey in feesimple all the portion of rights and interests whatsoever in the said lands which descended on the said Lucy his wife, or which have otherwise come to her or him, at any time, directly or indirectly.

And the said John Wood further covenanteth with the sd Thomas that on or before the day of   next ensuing he and his said wife Lucy, by lawful deed to be executed and proved in the state of Kentucky or elsewhere in such way as that the same shall be admissible to record in the proper court of Virginia, and according to the laws of Kentucky & Virginia, and to be transmitted to the said Thomas, will convey to him the sd Thomas, a good and indefeasable estate in feesimple in all the rights, titles & interests of whatsoever nature they be, whether in claim, trust, possession, or reversion jointly or severally,6 which descended on, or otherwise came directly or indirectly to the said Nancy Crawford and Lucy, or to their sd husbands, in the lands aforesaid around the town of Milton,7 which were of the property of their said father at the time of his death.8

And the said Thomas, on his part, covenanteth for himself, his heirs executors and administrators, that he will pay to the said John Wood at the signing of these presents the sum of two hundred Dollars, and the conveyance aforesaid having been previously made and transmitted to the sd Thomas,9 that he will pay to the said John Wood the further sum of one thousand dollars on or before the first day of April next ensuing the date of these presents10

MS (ViU: TJP); entirely in TJ’s hand; partially dated; with wax from two seals on right side at foot of text. PoC (ViU: TJP). Dft (ViU: TJP); entirely in TJ’s hand; undated; on reused address cover to TJ.

John T. Wood married Lucy L. Henderson (b. 12 Apr. 1790) in February 1812 (affidavit relating to the lands of Bennett Henderson, 22 Nov. 1815 [KyHi]).

These articles of covenant and agreement were never finalized. John T. Wood acquired full title to the tract inherited by Nancy C. Henderson Nelson with a payment of $600 to her and Matthew Nelson on 26 Mar. 1816 (Albemarle Co. Deed Book, 20:57–8).

1Remainder of paragraph in Dft reads “between Etc.”

2Blank left for first name in Dft.

3Preceding two words interlined in Dft in place of “Lucy.”

4“Nancy C.” interlined here in Dft in place of “Lucy.”

5Word interlined in Dft in place of “Nancy Crawford,” here and at next two instances below.

6Preceding three words not in Dft.

7Preceding five words not in Dft.

8In Dft, the following paragraph originally read “And the sd Thomas, on his part, covenanteth with the sd  Wood that on reciept of such conveyance, executed, proved, and admissible to record as aforesd he will execute and deliver, on the premisses, to the sd  Wood or to his order a lawful bond obliging him the sd Thomas to pay to the sd  Wood, his exrs admrs or assigns the sum of  Dollars, at or before the expiration of one year from the date of these presents, and that he will faithfully pay the same accordingly.” TJ later rewrote this paragraph on verso of Dft, with differences from MS noted below.

9Preceding four words not in rewritten Dft paragraph.

10Preceding five words not in rewritten Dft paragraph.

Index Entries

  • Henderson, Bennett; lands of search
  • Henderson, Bennett; legatees of search
  • Henderson case; Draft Agreement for Sale of Henderson Lands by John T. Wood search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; Draft Agreement for Sale of Henderson Lands by John T. Wood search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Draft Agreement for Sale of Henderson Lands by John T. Wood search
  • Nelson, Matthew; and Milton lands search
  • Nelson, Nancy Crawford Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; Matthew Nelson’s wife); and Milton lands search
  • Wood, John T.; and Milton lands search
  • Wood, John T.; identified search
  • Wood, Lucy Henderson (Bennett Henderson’s daughter; John T. Wood’s wife); and Milton lands search