Thomas Jefferson Papers

John Martin Baker to Thomas Jefferson, 15 May 1816

From John Martin Baker

Bordeaux, May, 15th 1816.


I have the Honor with due Respect to address you: and take the liberty to remit you, per the American Brig, General Ward, to the care of, D. Gelston, Esquire.—Newyork, a Case of Barsac white Wine, growth of the Estate, called Darancour, it is genuine, and ten years old, I have Seen it drawn and bottled in my presence, while there, I hope it may meet your approbation. Permit me Sir, to State, that I leave this tomorrow for Montpellier, where my family Reside at present owing to Mrs Baker’s, late ill health, from thence, I proceed to my Consular Station, where, Praying for your Commands, I have the Honor to Be, with the Highest Respect, and Gratitude, Sir,

Your most obedient, faithful, humble servant.

John Martin Baker.

RC (MHi); at foot of text: “To The Most Honorable, Thomas Jefferson Monti-cello Virginia”; endorsed by TJ as received 1 Aug. 1816 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Baker, Harriet Weissenfels (John Martin Baker’s wife); health of search
  • Baker, John Martin; as consul search
  • Baker, John Martin; family of search
  • Baker, John Martin; letters from search
  • Baker, John Martin; sends goods to TJ search
  • Barsac (wine) search
  • France; wines from search
  • Gelston, David; collector at New York search
  • General Ward (brig) search
  • Tarragona, Spain; U.S. consul at search
  • wine; Barsac search
  • wine; French search