Thomas Jefferson to Peter Cottom, 7 May 1816
To Peter Cottom
Monticello May. 7. 16.
I recieved some time ago a letter from messrs Brooks and Ashley assignees of Bradford & Inskeep an application for the cost of the Portfolio for the year 1814. and lately one from Thomas de Silur as proprietor for the year 1815. percieving however that you are agent in Richmond for that publication, and there being difficulty in remitting small sums to other states, I prefer making the payments to you. I will pray you therefore to call on mr Gibson of the firm of Gibson & Jefferson in Richmond for the two year’s payment, and hereafter to call on him annually for the yearly cost while I continue a subscriber, and he will be so kind as to pay the same on sight of this letter. accept the assurance of my respects.
Th: Jefferson
PoC (MHi); on verso of reused address cover of Francis Adrian Van der Kemp to TJ, 24 Mar. 1816; at foot of text: “Mr Peter Cottom”; endorsed by TJ.
The missing January 1815 letter from Samuel Brooks and Thomas Astley is recorded in SJL as a communication from “Brooks & Ashley” received 13 Apr. 1815 from Philadelphia. The one from Thomas Desilver to TJ of 18 Apr. 1816, not found, is recorded in SJL as written by “De Silur Thos” and received 3 May 1816 from Philadelphia. The yearly cost of the monthly Port Folio was $6 (Philadelphia Poulson’s American Daily Advertiser, 27 Feb. 1815; Prospectus of the Port Folio [Philadelphia, 1809], 11; , 2:1337).
Index Entries
- Astley, Thomas; andPort Folio search
- Astley, Thomas; letter from accounted for search
- Bradford & Inskeep (Philadelphia firm); andPort Folio search
- Brooks, Samuel; andPort Folio search
- Brooks, Samuel; letter from accounted for search
- Cottom, Peter; as subscription agent search
- Cottom, Peter; letters to search
- Desilver, Thomas; andPort Folio search
- Desilver, Thomas; letter from accounted for search
- Gibson, Patrick; payments made for TJ search
- Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); and periodicals acquired by TJ search
- Gibson & Jefferson (Richmond firm); payments made for TJ search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; subscriptions search
- Port Folio; TJ subscribes to search
- subscriptions, for publications; journals search