James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 16 November 1815
From James Monroe
washington novr 16. 1815
Dear Sir
Permit me to present to your acquaintance & to that of your family mr Gray & his Lady of Boston. Mr Gray is the son of the late Lt governor of Mass: who is so well known to you for his patriotism, & attachment to the republican cause. He is on a visit to the southern states, & from motives of respect, is particularly desirous, of being made known to you.
Jas Monroe
RC (Heritage Auctions, auction 6216, Dallas, 26 Oct. 2019, lot 47217); addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Monticello.” Not recorded in SJL and probably never received by TJ. This document, located after the pertinent chronological volume was published, will appear in the concluding supplement to the print edition.
On this date Monroe wrote to William R. Gray offering to provide him with letters of introduction (RC in CSt).
Index Entries
- Gray, Mary Clay (William Rufus Gray’s wife); introduced to TJ search
- Gray, William; family of search
- Gray, William Rufus; introduced to TJ search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction to search
- Monroe, James; introduces M. C. Gray search
- Monroe, James; introduces W. R. Gray search
- Monroe, James; letters from search