Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Gibson, 7 February 1816
To Patrick Gibson
[Mon]ticello Feb. 7. 16.
Dear Sir
I inclose you an order on Dr Thornton for 150. Dollars which he informed me he was ready to pay on demand as also mr John Harvie’s bond for 104.56 D due on the 1st prox. which Dr Brockenborough will I suppose pay as usual when due. I have this day given an order in favor of Wm Marshall for 13.91 D and something additional for clerks tickets which the order will explain. I shall have occasion the 1st of next month for about 500.D. due some days ago, but which I have got put off in the hope of hearing that my tobo was in Richmond. Gilmer failed to bring me either of my casks of wine from Dr Fernandez altho one of them, I think at least must have arrived as it1 was shipt at Norfolk the 6th of January. he is gone down again and I hope will call for it. I am in hopes to recieve from you soon my quarterly account. Accept the assurance of my friendly esteem & respect
Th: Jefferson
PoC (DLC: TJ Papers, ser. 10); on verso of reused address cover of an otherwise unlocated letter from DeWitt Clinton to TJ, 8 Jan. 1816 (addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; franked; postmarked New York, 9 Jan.; recorded in SJL as received from New York, 17 Jan. 1816); dateline faint; at foot of text: “Mr Gibson”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosures not found.
1. Preceding five words interlined and added in margin.
Index Entries
- Brockenbrough, John; as J. Harvie’s agent search
- Clinton, DeWitt; letter from accounted for search
- Gibson, Patrick; account with TJ search
- Gibson, Patrick; letters to search
- Gibson, Patrick; payments made for TJ search
- Gilmore, Joseph; Milton boatman search
- Harvie, John (1783–1838); debt to TJ search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; and lease of Natural Bridge search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; orders wine from J. F. Oliveira Fernandes search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; payments by J. Harvie search
- Livingston v. Jefferson; U.S. Circuit Court dismisses search
- Marshall, William; circuit court clerk search
- Natural Bridge, Va.; lease of search
- Oliveira Fernandes, John Francisco; and wine for TJ search
- Richmond, Va.; tobacco shipped to search
- Thornton, Philip; leases Natural Bridge from TJ search
- tobacco; transported to Richmond search
- United States Circuit Court, Virginia District; decision inLivingston v. Jefferson search
- wine; TJ arranges delivery of search
- wine; TJ orders from J. F. Oliveira Fernandes search