Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to David Bailie Warden, 1 February 1816

To David Bailie Warden

Monticello Feb. 1. 16.

Dear Sir

It is long since I have written to you. the reason has been that from one of your letters I concluded you were returning to the US. by yours of Apr. 9. 15. I found you were still at Paris. I can assure you that I did every thing in your case which could be done, as far as decency or effect permitted: but I found that nothing would avail; & ceased under the hope that your presence here might remove obstacles whatever they were. I should very gladly have recommended to your attentions mr Ticknor, a very learned young gentleman of Boston who I imagine got to Paris in autumn. I should have even taken the liberty of asking your friendly aid to him in a commission for the purchase of some books for me which he was so kind as to undertake. if you have made his acquaintance, I am sure you have found him worthy of it in every respect moral, and literary. this will be handed you by mr Terril a young gentleman of Kentucky, a relation of mine, who will stop a few days only in Paris on his way to Geneva for his education. he is a youth of perfect correctness of morals & manner, of good dispositions and of great appetite for science. I have desired him to wait on you, as well to make his own bow as to deliver you this letter which bears to you the expressions of my great and sincere esteem and respect.

Th: Jefferson

RC (MdHi: Warden Papers); addressed: “David Baillie Warden esq. Paris by mr Terril”; endorsed by Warden. PoC (DLC); on verso of a reused address cover from John Wayles Eppes to TJ; endorsed by TJ.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; TJ’s personal search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction from search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Family & Friends; relations with D. C. Terrell search
  • Terrell, Dabney Carr (TJ’s sister Martha Jefferson Carr’s grandson); carries TJ’s letters to Europe search
  • Terrell, Dabney Carr (TJ’s sister Martha Jefferson Carr’s grandson); letters of introduction for search
  • Ticknor, George; and books for TJ search
  • Ticknor, George; enlists D. B. Warden’s assistance in procuring books for TJ search
  • Ticknor, George; TJ on search
  • Warden, David Bailie; and books for TJ search
  • Warden, David Bailie; letters to search
  • Warden, David Bailie; removed from consulship search