Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson’s Statement of Taxable Property in Albemarle County, 1 February 1816

Statement of Taxable Property in Albemarle County

A list of the taxable property of the subscriber in Albemarle Feb. 1. 1816.

5. white tythes.

74. slaves of 16. years old and upwards.

14. do of 12. years & not 16.

33. horses, mules, mares & colts.

1. gig.

1. four wheeled carriage, a Landau.

Th: Jefferson

MS (MHi); written entirely in TJ’s hand on verso of a portion of a reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ: “Sheriff Albem. taxable property 1816.”

The Virginia General Assembly set property tax rates for 1816 in a law enacted on 22 Feb. of that year (Acts of Assembly description begins Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia (cited by session; title varies over time) description ends [1815–16 sess.], 3–4).tythes: “tithables.”

Index Entries

  • Albemarle County, Va.; Statement of TJ’s Taxable Property in Albemarle County search
  • carriages; gigs search
  • carriages; landaus search
  • carriages; taxes on search
  • horses; taxes on search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; pays taxes search
  • slaves; taxes on search
  • taxes; on carriages search
  • taxes; on free whites search
  • taxes; on horses search
  • taxes; on slaves search
  • taxes; Statement of Taxable Property in Albemarle County search
  • taxes; TJ pays search
  • Virginia; General Assembly search
  • whites; taxes on search