Thomas Jefferson to Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, 3 January 1816
To Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours
Monticello Jan. 3. 16.
My dear friend
A mail left us this morning which carried my letter of Dec. 31. the messenger returning from the post office brings me yours of Dec. 20. requesting the immediate return of your letter to the equinoctial republics. I had just entered on the reading of it, & got to the 10th page: but on the receipt of your letter, as another mail goes out tomorrow morning, and no other under a week, I now inclose it, in the hope you will be able to lend me another copy which shall be safely and speedily returned to you. if mr Correa be with you, be so good as to tell him that I wrote to him by the mail of this morning, covering several letters to him, and not knowing whether he would be in Philadelphia I directed my letter to the care of mr Vaughan, from whom he can have it brought in one day to the Eleutherian mills. the papers by this mail tell us thro’ Fouche that the daughter of Louis XVI is aiming at the crown, the Salic law notwithstanding. the empty acclamations of the populace have turned her head, which I suspect is modelled more in the form of the mother’s than the reputed father’s. our family all join in affection to you, including even the little Septimia, who retains the recollection and name of the bons-bons & their giver. I salute you as ever with cordial affection & respect.
Th: Jefferson
RC (DeGH: Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours Papers, Winterthur Manuscripts); at foot of text: “M. Dupont de Nemours.” PoC (DLC); on verso of reused address cover to TJ; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: second enclosure to Du Pont to TJ, 7 Dec. 1815.
A widely reprinted report from Joseph Fouché, duc of Otranto and outgoing minister of police, warned the French king Louis XVIII that support was growing for Marie Thérèse, duchesse d’Angoulême, the daughter of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Earlier reports from Europe suggested that Marie Thérèse’s personality most closely resembled her mother’s (Richmond Enquirer, 11 Nov., 30 Dec. 1815).
Index Entries
- Albemarle County, Va.; mail service in search
- Corrêa da Serra, José; TJ forwards letters to search
- Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel; letters to search
- Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel; Mémoire aux républiques équinoxiales search
- food; bon-bons search
- Fouché, Joseph, duc d’Otrante search
- France; laws of search
- law; Salic search
- Louis XVI, king of France; family of search
- Marie Antoinette, queen of France search
- Marie Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d’Angoulême; ambitions of search
- Marie Thérèse Charlotte, duchesse d’Angoulême; compared to Marie Antoinette search
- Meikleham, Septimia Anne Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter); and P. S. Du Pont de Nemours search
- Mémoire aux républiques équinoxiales (P. S. Du Pont de Nemours) search
- Post Office, U.S.; and mail service search
- Vaughan, John; TJ sends letters through search