Christopher Clark to Thomas Jefferson, 31 August 1815
From Christopher Clark
Mount Prospect Augt 31st 15
Dear Sir,
A considerable diversity of opinion, has prevailed and Still continues to prevail about the height1 of the Peaks of Otter the calculation generally adopted has been taken from your notes on Virginia whether this Standard was the Result of an actual admeasure is not known but I have heard that yourself have had some doubts of its accuraccy and contemplated making a more correct one Perhaps no situation in the immediate Vicinity2 of the mountain will afford as good ground for the purpose of making the experiment as my plantation and I have long wished the Real3 elevation ascertained4 and this to be done under your observation and understanding you will probably Remain some time in Bedford Shall be glad to See you at our house and as this Rout is by far the best to the Natural Bridge If you Should think proper to extend your journey thither will do myself the pleasure to attend you If you can find it convenient to come up will you be so good as to advise me of the time and I will certainly be at home
I avail myself of this opportunity to Renew the assureances of the very high esteem and Regard with which as I am Dear Sir your mo ob set
Christopher Clark
RC (MHi); with twenty-one words copied above the line by TJ for clarity; endorsed by TJ as received “<Aug.> Sep. 3. 15.” but recorded in SJL as received 31 Aug. 1815.
1. Manuscript: “heght.”
2. Manuscript: “Visinity.” Copied by TJ as “vicinity.”
3. TJ copied this word as “true.”
4. Manuscript: “asertained.” Copied by TJ as “ascertained.”
Index Entries
- Clark, Christopher Henderson; and height of Peaks of Otter search
- Clark, Christopher Henderson; invites TJ to visit search
- Clark, Christopher Henderson; letters from search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Travels; to Peaks of Otter search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Notes on the State of Virginia search
- Mount Prospect (Christopher Henderson Clark’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ visits search
- Natural Bridge, Va.; route to from Poplar Forest search
- Notes on the State of Virginia (Thomas Jefferson); consulted search
- Peaks of Otter, Va.; altitude of search
- Peaks of Otter, Va.; TJ visits search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); route from Natural Bridge to search
- Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); TJ visits search