Randolph Jefferson to Thomas Jefferson, 13 February 1815
From Randolph Jefferson
Snowden February 13: 1815
Dear brother.—
I have concluded to send over Squire, after the bitch that you was so good to give me, when I was over as I should be extreemly happy1 to get her, if she has not pupt, or if she has and he can make out to bring her and some of the pupies. I can send over for the rest at Easter,2 without mr Randolph will let old Stephen come over and bring the rest for me. if the bitch has no3 more then too Squire can bring them him self, I have waited expecting to see stephen4 every day, but the reason I suppose his not coming is that mr Randolph has not reternd yet from below. as for my watch I have bin without her so long that I am intirely weand from her, however if mr Randolph should of reternd and brought her, I should be extreemly happy once more to receive her agane. I would be extreemly oblige to you for a few scions,5 of your good fruit, of apple & cherry. if it should not be too late to moove them now, or any other fruit that you would oblige me with, that you have to spare also a few cabbage seed and ice6 lettuce seed. if it is but one half spoon full provided you have as many to spare without disfernishing yourself. I expect I shall be summonsed over to march court on account of Randolph & Craven patons sute in albemarle court. I am at the greatest loss immagenable for the want of my watch. if mr Randolph has not reternd yet I shall be oblige to send down to verino but I am still in hopes there will not be any occasion to do that, as he must certainly have reternd long before this time. my wife Joins me in love and respect to you and family. I am your most7 affectionately.—
Rh; Jefferson
do pray Sir give Squire such derections in respect to the bitch as you think most necessary. and you will very much oblige8
Rh: Jefferson
RC (ViU: TJP-CC); mistakenly endorsed by TJ as a letter of 15 Feb. 1815 received that same day and so recorded in SJL; notation at foot of text by TJ: “apples cherries cabbage ice lettuce.”
Craven Peyton’s (patons) lawsuit against Randolph Jefferson’s son Isham Randolph Jefferson concerned the payment of a debt (Albemarle Co. Order Book [1813–15], 460–1). Varina (verino) was Thomas Mann Randolph’s estate in Henrico County.
1. Manuscript: “hapy.”
2. Manuscript: “Esther.”
3. Word interlined.
4. Manuscript: “stphen.”
5. Manuscript: “science.”
6. Word interlined.
7. Word interlined.
8. Jefferson here canceled “me.”
Index Entries
- Albemarle County Court, Va. search
- apples; as crop search
- cabbage; seed search
- cherries; as crop search
- clocks; R. Jefferson’s watch search
- dogs; and R. Jefferson search
- Jefferson, Isham Randolph (TJ’s nephew; Randolph Jefferson’s son); C. Peyton’s lawsuit against search
- Jefferson, Mitchie Ballow Pryor (TJ’s sister-in-law; Randolph Jefferson’s second wife); sends greetings to TJ search
- Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); and C. Peyton’s lawsuit against son of search
- Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); and dogs search
- Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); and scions and seeds from TJ search
- Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); letters from search
- Jefferson, Randolph (TJ’s brother); watch of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Family & Friends; relations with R. Jefferson search
- lettuce; seeds search
- Peyton, Craven; and lawsuit against I. R. Jefferson search
- Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); and R. Jefferson’s watch search
- seeds; cabbage search
- seeds; lettuce search
- Squire (R. Jefferson’s slave) search
- Stephen (hired hand); as T. M. Randolph’s employee search
- trees; apple search
- trees; cherry search
- watches; R. Jefferson’s search