Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Anthony Finley, 7 April 1813

To Anthony Finley

Monticello Apr. 7. 13.


The paper now returned was by accident misplaced, & thus escaped the attention it was entitled to. I consider every thing as useful which will dignify & consecrate the great event of our independance in the minds of our fellow citizens, & impress them with the importance of maintaining it sanctimoniously. and it is equally desirable to place before their eyes the constitutions of the different states, that they may distinguish those principles which, being approved by all, are peculiarly worthy of being cherished by all. I with pleasure therefore return you the paper with my subscription, & the assurances of my respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); at foot of text: “Mr Anthony Finley”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure not found.

Anthony Finley opened a bookshop and publishing house in Philadelphia by 1809. A sales catalog he issued in 1811 concentrated on medical, botanical, and other scientific works. By 1824 Finley was producing maps and by 1832 he specialized in cartography. Finley was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for the Philadelphia Common Council in 1818. A founding officer of the Philadelphia Apprentices’ Library, he was also a life member of both the American Sunday-School Union and the Franklin Institute. In 1826 he sat on the board of trustees of a proposed new college in Philadelphia. Finley was in business until at least 1836 (H. Glenn Brown and Maude O. Brown, A Directory of the Book-Arts and Book Trade in Philadelphia to 1820 Including Painters and Engravers [1950], 48; Catalogue of Books in Medicine, Surgery, Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Botany. For Sale by Anthony Finley [Philadelphia, 1811]; J. Thomas Scharf and Thompson Westcott, History of Philadelphia, 1609–1884 [1884], 2:1208; The American Advertising Directory for Manufacturers and Dealers in American Goods for the Year 1832 [1832], 189; Walter W. Ristow, American Maps and Mapmakers: Commercial Cartography in the Nineteenth Century [1985], 268–70; Philadelphia Franklin Gazette, 17 Oct. 1818; Finley to TJ, 25 Jan. 1822; The American Sunday School Magazine 7 [1830]: 95; “Annual Report of the Franklin Institute,” Hazard’s Register of Pennsylvania 9 [1832]: 212; “College in Philadelphia,” American Journal of Education 1 [1826]: 568; Robert Desilver, Desilver’s Philadelphia Directory and Stranger’s Guide for 1835 & 36 [1835], 70; Hartford Connecticut Courant, 15 Aug. 1836).

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