Bernard McMahon to Thomas Jefferson, 24 September 1812
From Bernard McMahon
Philadelphia 24th Septr 1812
Dear Sir,
Herewith you will receive a small box containing
3 Roots Antholiza æthiopica, a Green House bulb,
6 Feathered Hyacinth roots, Hyacinthus monstrosus L.
3 Double blue Hyacinths, named Alamode by the Dutch, remarkably early & proper for forcing—
6 Roots of a beautiful variety of Crocus vernus, of very early bloom; flower white inside & beautifully striped outside—
2 Roots Parrot Tulips, color of the flowers red, green and yellow mixed.
Some seed of the Mirabilis longiflora, or Sweet-scented Marvel of Peru—
I am Sir,
Yours with best wishes,
Bernd McMahon.
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 30 Sept. 1812 and so recorded in SJL.