Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to John R. Fenwick, 18 September 1810

To John R. Fenwick

Monticello Sep. 18. 10.


I have to return you my thanks for your kind care of the books sent me by mr Botta, which came safely to hand, as also for the trouble which the garden seeds1 have given you, and will still give you. if any gentleman passing in the stage to Alexandria would take the trouble to have them put into the stage at that place they will then come safely to me. the change of Undertakers there renders this necessary. if you could deliver them to Joseph Dougherty who formerly lived with me, he would take care of their delivery at Alexandria. Accept the assurances of my thankfulness & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr John R. Fenwick”; endorsed by TJ.

1Manuscript: “gardensseeds.”

Index Entries

  • American Revolution; books on search
  • books; on American Revolution search
  • books; sent by J. R. Fenwick search
  • Botta, Carlo Giuseppe Guglielmo; Storia della guerra dell’Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America search
  • Dougherty, Joseph; delivers seeds search
  • Fenwick, John Roger; forwards packages to TJ search
  • Fenwick, John Roger; letters to search
  • seeds; sent to TJ search
  • Storia della guerra dell’ Independenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (C. G. G. Botta) search