Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Catalogue of Books on Agriculture, [ca. 16 December 1809]
Catalogue of Books on Agriculture
Catalogue of books on Agriculture.
Geoponica Cassiani Bassi. Gr. & Lat. there have never been but 2. editions published, one by Needham at Cambridge in 1704. 8vo the other by Niclas, at Leipsick in 1781. 2. v. 8vo. I do not believe it has ever been translated into any modern language. it gives the state of Agriculture in Greece in the time of Constantine Porphyrogeneta to whom it has been ascribed. the age & country make it curious, & worthy a place in the library of Congress.
Cato, Varro, Columella et Palladius de re rusticâ. Lat.
Oeconomie rurale de Saboureux. 6. v. 8vo. this is a French translation of the preceding book of Cato Etc & gives us the Roman husbandry.
The husbandry of the antients by Dickson. 2. v. 8vo. a judicious compilation from the Roman writers in English.
Tull’s horsehoeing husbandry. 8vo
Duhamel’s husbandry. 4to Eng.
Bradley’s husbandry. 3. v. 8vo
Bradley’s farmer’s guide. 8vo
Bradley’s Experimental husbandry. 8vo
Bradley on the four elements. 8vo
Evelyn’s Sylva. fol.
Evelyn’s Terra by Hunter 4to
Langley’s Pomona. fol.
Hale’s body of husbandry. 4. v. 8vo
Hale’s statical essays. 2. v. 8vo
Dr Home’s principles of agriculture & vegetation 8vo
Home (Ld Kaim’s) Gentleman farmer 8vo
Young’s works. I am not acquainted with the mass of them. I believe they amount to 70. or 80. vols. I think Congress should possess the whole if a selection is to be made, I can speak only of the following from my own knolege.
Young’s | rural economy. 8vo |
farmer’s guide 8vo | |
course of Experimental agriculture. 3. v. 8vo | |
travels. 2. v. 8vo |
Dickson has written on modern agriculture. I do not know even it’s title. but it must have some merit.
Boardley’s Sketches on rotations of crops. 8vo last edition.1
Theatre d’Agriculture de De-Serres. 2. v. 4to. the most compleat & able body of husbandry extant, altho’ written in the reign of H. IV. of France. lately republished with most valuable notes of the modern improvements in husbandry.
The Country farmer. 4to. this is an old translation of the Maison rustique, a work formerly esteemed in France.
Parmentier sur les Vegetaux nourisants
Traité de la vigne par Bidet et Duhamel. 12mo 2. v.
Maupin sur la vigne. 8vo
Traité sur la vigne par Chaptal, Rozier, Parmentier et Dussieux. 2. v. 8vo. the best ever published on the vine, & on wines.
Instruction sur l’art de faire le vin par Cadet-de-Vaux. 8vo
Dictionnaire universel d’Agriculture par Rozier. 4to many volumes.
L’Agricoltore del Trinci. 8vo. the best book of the agriculture of Italy
Dizionario d’Agricoltura dal Ronconi. 2. v. 8vo
Della coltivazioni degli Ulivi del Vettori. 8vo
De la Brosse de la culture de l’olivier. 12mo
Forsyth on the culture & management of Fruit trees. 8vo
Knight on the Apple, Pear, Cyder, & Perry. 12mo
Millar’s Gardener’s dictionary with the figures of the plants.
Millar’s Gardener’s Calendar. 8vo
Abercrombie’s gardener’s pocket-dictionary. 3. v. 12mo
McMahon’s American gardener’s Calendar. 8vo
the Agricultural reports of the English board of Agriculture.
Memoires de la societé d’Agriculture de la Seine. 8vo (8. or 10. vols have appeard ) 2
Memoires d’Agriculture de Sylvestre, Lasteyrie, Bagot & others, to be collected.
Rapports, Comptes-rendus, Programmes des prix Etc. de la societé d’Agriculture de la Seine sur la perfectionnement de la charrue. the society will readily furnish the collection on application.
Observations sur la culture du Coton par de Rohr. 8vo
Lasteyrie du Cotonier et de sa culture. 8vo
Lasteyrie sur les bêtes à laine d’Espagne. 8vo
Essay on sheep by Rob. R. Livingston. 8vo
PoC (DLC: TJ Papers, 189:33594–5); entirely in TJ’s hand; undated.
Nicholas had evidently requested this book list from TJ to guide purchases for the Library of Congress. Few had been acquired by 1815, when TJ sold most of the titles named above to the nation (The 1812 Catalogue of the Library of Congress: A Facsimile [1982], 81; Sowerby). Books not acquired from TJ include: Richard Bradley, The Gentleman and Farmer’s Guide for the Increase and Improvement of Cattle (London, 1729); Arthur Young, A Course of Experimental Agriculture, 2 vols. (London, 1770); Antoine Alexis Cadet-de-Vaux, Instruction sur l’art de faire le vin (Paris, 1800); François Rozier, Cours complet d’agriculture, théorique, pratique, économique, et de médecine rurale et vétérinaire . . . ou dictionnaire universel d’agriculture, 12 vols. (Paris, 1781–1805); and Julius Philipp Benjamin von Rohr, Observations sur la culture du coton (Paris, 1807).
In 1802 TJ ordered but apparently never received a copy of the 1781 Leipzig edition of the geoponica, a late-antique compendium largely based on the works of Cassianus Bassus (TJ to Nicolas G. Dufief, 23 Mar. 1802 [DLC]; no. 690; TJ to Samuel Harrison Smith, 29 Oct. 1814). de la brosse de la culture de l’olivier may conflate M. de La Brousse, Traité de la Culture du Figuier, suivi d’observations & d’expériences sur la meilleure maniere de cultiver (Amsterdam, 1774; no. 813), and the anonymously issued Mémoire sur la culture d’olivier et la maniere d’extraire l’huile des olives (Marseille, 1783).
1. TJ here canceled the start of a new entry: “Parmentier.”
2. Closing parenthesis editorially supplied.
Index Entries
- Abercrombie, John; The Gardener’s Pocket Dictionary search
- A Compleat Body of Husbandry (T. Hale) search
- A Course of Experimental Agriculture (Young) search
- A General Treatise of Husbandry and Gardening (Bradley) search
- agriculture; TJ lists works on search
- antiquity; Husbandry of the Ancients (Dickson) search
- A Practical Treatise of Husbandry (Duhamel du Monceau) search
- A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees: in which A New Method of Pruning and Training is Fully Described (Forsyth) search
- A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry (Knight) search
- Bagot, Mr. search
- Bassus, Cassianus; Geoponica search
- books; TJ recommends on agriculture search
- Bordley, John Beale; Sketches on Rotations of Crops, and other Rural Matters search
- botany; books on search
- Bradley, Richard; A General Treatise of Husbandry and Gardening search
- Bradley, Richard; Ten practical discourses concerning Earth and Water, Fire and Air search
- Bradley, Richard; The Experimental Husbandman and Gardener search
- Bradley, Richard; The Gentleman and Farmer’s Guide for the Increase and Improvement of Cattle search
- British Board of Agriculture search
- Cadet-de-Vaux, Antoine Alexis; Instruction sur l’art de faire le vin search
- Cato the Elder (Marcus Porcius Cato); Rei rusticae search
- Chaptal, Jean Antoine, comte de; Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne search
- cider; Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry (Knight) search
- Columella; Rei rusticae search
- Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, Byzantine emperor search
- cotton; books on search
- Cours complet d’agriculture, théorique, practique, économique, et de médicine rurale et vétérinaire … ou dictionnaire universel d’agriculture (F. Rozier) search
- Dickson, Adam; The Husbandry of the Ancients search
- Dizionario d’agricoltura o sia la coltivazione italiana (Ronconi) search
- Du Cotonnier et de sa Culture (C. P. De Lasteyrie) search
- Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis; A Practical Treatise of Husbandry search
- Essay on Sheep (Livingston) search
- Estienne, Charles; Maison Rustique, or the Countrie Farme search
- Evelyn, John; Sylva, or a Discourse on Forest-Trees search
- Evelyn, John; Terra: A Philosophical Discourse of Earth search
- Forsyth, William; A Treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees; in which A New Method of Pruning and Training is Fully Described search
- gardening; books on search
- Geoponica (C. Bassus) search
- Great Britain; Board of Agriculture search
- Hale, Thomas; A Compleat Body of Husbandry search
- Hales, Stephen; Statical Essays: containing Vegetable Staticks search
- Home, Francis; The Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation search
- Horse-Hoeing Husbandry: or, An Essay on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage (J. Tull) search
- Hunter, Alexander search
- Instruction sur l’art de faire le vin (Cadet-de-Vaux) search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; recommends books search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Catalogue of Books on Agriculture search
- Kames (Kaim), Henry Home, Lord; The Gentleman Farmer search
- Knight, Thomas Andrew; A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry search
- La Brousse, M. de; Traité de la Culture du Figuier, suivi d’observations & d’expériences sur la meilleure maniere de cultiver search
- Langley, Batty; Pomona: or, The Fruit-Garden Illustrated search
- Lasteyrie Dusaillant, Charles Philibert, comte De; agricultural report of search
- Lasteyrie Dusaillant, Charles Philibert, comte De; Du Cotonnier et de sa Culture search
- Lasteyrie Dusaillant, Charles Philibert, comte De; Traité sur les Bêtes-à-Laine d’Espagne search
- Le Théâtre d’Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs (O. de Serres) search
- Library of Congress; book list prepared to guide purchases for search
- Liebault, Jean; Maison Rustique, or the Countrie Farme search
- Livingston, Robert R.; Essay on Sheep search
- L’Agricoltore Sperimentato (Trinci) search
- Maison Rustique, or the Countrie Farme (Estienne and Liebault) search
- Maupin; Nouvelle méthode non encore publiée pour planter et cultiver la vigne search
- McMahon, Bernard; The American Gardener’s Calendar search
- Mémoires de la Société d’Agriculture du département de la Seine; TJ recommends search
- Mémoire sur la culture d’olivier et la maniere d’extraire l’huile des olives search
- Miller, Philip; The Gardeners Dictionary search
- Miller, Philip; The Gardeners Kalendar search
- Needham, Peter search
- Nicholas, Wilson Cary (1761–1820); TJ recommends agricultural publications to search
- Niclas, Johann Nicolaus search
- Nouvelle méthode non encore publiée pour planter et cultiver la vigne (Maupin) search
- Observations sur la culture du coton (Rohr) search
- Palladius; Rei rusticae search
- Parmentier, Antoine Auguste; Recherches sur les Végétaux nourissans search
- Parmentier, Antoine Auguste; Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne search
- perry; Treatise on the Culture of the Apple & Pear, and on the Manufacture of Cider & Perry (Knight) search
- plants; books on search
- Pomona: or, The Fruit-Garden Illustrated (Langley) search
- Recherches sur les Végétaux nourissans (Parmentier) search
- Rei rusticae (Cato; Columella; Palladius; Varro) search
- Rohr, Julius Philipp Benjamin von; Observations sur la culture du coton search
- Ronconi, Ignazio; Dizionario d’agricoltura o sia la coltivazione italiana search
- Rozier, François; Cours complet d’agriculture, théorique, practique, économique, et de médicine rurale et vétérinaire … ou dictionnaire universel d’agriculture search
- Rozier, François; Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne search
- Rural Oeconomy: or, Essays on the Practical Parts of Husbandry (A. Young) search
- Saboureux de La Bonnetrie, Charles François; Traduction d’Anciens Ouvrages Latins relatifs à l’Agriculture et à la Médicine Vétérinaire, avec des Notes search
- Serres, Olivier de; Le Théâtre d’Agriculture et Mesnage des Champs search
- Silvestre, Augustin François; agricultural report of search
- Sketches on Rotations of Crops, and other Rural Matters (Bordley) search
- Société d’agriculture du département de la Seine; Mémoires search
- Statical Essays: containing Vegetable Staticks (Hales) search
- Sylva, or a Discourse on Forest-Trees (Evelyn) search
- Ten practical discourses concerning Earth and Water, Fire and Air (Bradley) search
- Terra: A Philosophical Discourse of Earth (Evelyn) search
- The American Gardener’s Calendar (B. McMahon) search
- The Experimental Husbandman and Gardener (Bradley) search
- The Farmer’s Guide in Hiring and Stocking Farms (A. Young) search
- The Gardeners Dictionary (Miller) search
- The Gardeners Kalendar (Miller) search
- The Gardener’s Pocket Dictionary (Abercrombie) search
- The Gentleman and Farmer’s Guide for the Increase and Improvement of Cattle (Bradley) search
- The Gentleman Farmer (Kames) search
- The Husbandry of the Ancients (A. Dickson) search
- The Principles of Agriculture and Vegetation (Home) search
- Traduction d’Anciens Ouvrages Latins relatifs à l’Agriculture et à la Médicine Vétérinaire, avec des Notes (Saboureux de La Bonnetrie) search
- Traité de la Culture du Figuier, suivi d’observations & d’expériences sur la meilleure maniere de cultiver (La Brousse) search
- Traité sur les Bêtes-à-Laine d’Espagne (C. P. De Lasteyrie) search
- Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne (Chaptal, Parmentier, Rozier, Ussieux) search
- Trattato di Piero Vettori delle lodi e della coltivazione degli ulivi (Vettori) search
- Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789 (Young) search
- Trinci, Cosimo; L’Agricoltore Sperimentato search
- Tull, Jethro; Horse-Hoeing Husbandry: or, An Essay on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage search
- Ussieux, Louis d’; Traité théorique et pratique sur la Culture de la Vigne search
- Varro; Rei rusticae search
- Vettori, Pietro; Trattato di Piero Vettori delle lodi e della coltivazione degli ulivi search
- wine; books on search
- Young, Arthur; A Course of Experimental Agriculture search
- Young, Arthur; Rural Oeconomy: or, Essays on the Practical Parts of Husbandry search
- Young, Arthur; The Farmer’s Guide in Hiring and Stocking Farms search
- Young, Arthur; Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789 search