Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Jefferson, 26 June 1805

To George Jefferson

Washington June 26. 05

Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson

Mr. Craven Peyton has desired me to assume for him to you 156.67 D paiable the 10th. of July and 533.33 D paiable the 10th. of Aug. the first of these paiments will be a little too early for me. I will pay you 156.67 D on the 13th. of July (it will leave this place the evening of the 11th.) and 533.33 D on the 10th. of Aug. (leaving this the evening of the 8th.) these being the precise days on which my reciepts will enable me to make these paiments for mr Peyton. Accept my friendly salutations

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “G. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ.

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