Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from John Woodberry, 5 March 1805

From John Woodberry

[on or before 5 Mch. 1805]

May it please Your Excellency!

I humbly beg Your Excellency’s indulgence for the favour I’m going to ask. I am a painter & have sufficient recommendations to produce of my Ability. Should You wish to employ a person in that Line to do Your Work at Monticello; I offer my Services: Mr. Fitzgerald can inform Your Excellency who I am, as he has known me many Years past. Should it so happen that it should meet Your Excellency’s Approbation; I will obey Your Commands whenever You please

I am Your Excellency’s humble Sert.

Jno. Woodberry

RC (DLC); undated; endorsed by TJ as received 5 Mch. 1805 and so recorded in SJL.

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