Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Ellen Wayles Randolph, 4 March 1805

To Ellen Wayles Randolph

Washington Mar. 4. 05.

My dearest Ellen

I owe a letter to you & one to your sister Anne. but the pressure of the day on which this is written, and your Papa’s departure permits me to write only to you, to inclose you a poem about another namesake of yours, and some other pieces worth preserving. as I expect Anne’s volume is now large enough, I will begin to furnish you with materials for one—I know you have been collecting some yourself; but as I expect there is some tag, rag, & bobtail verse among it you must begin a new volume for my materials. I am called off by company therefore god bless you, my dear child, kiss your Mama and sisters for me, & tell them I shall be with them in about a week from this time. once more Adieu

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Ellen Randolph.” Enclosure not identified.

Papa’s departure: Thomas Mann Randolph, who had returned belatedly to Washington because of weather and concerns over his wife’s health, had been in Congress by 28 Feb. and sat through its extended session on Sunday, 3 Mch. He may have planned to depart for Edgehill immediately following Congress’s recess and his father-in-law’s inauguration. TJ was not able to leave the capital until 14 Mch. (JHR description begins Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States, Washington, D.C., 1826, 9 vols. description ends , 5:156, 164, 168, 174, 176; Thomas Mann Randolph to TJ, 26 Jan.; TJ to William Dunbar, 14 Mch.).

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