Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas C. James, 1 March 1805

From Thomas C. James

Hall of the Society, Philadelphia, March 1st 1805


Having received from you an interesting Communication on the management of Silk Worms & of their Silk, which was transmitted to you, by the author Mr Robt. H. Lowry, from Siena in Italy, with a view of introducing useful knowledge upon the Subject into the United States. Immediate means will be taken to make it public, and I am directed by the Society to transmit their thanks for your1 assistance, in thus advancing the design of their institution.

I have the honour to be, Sir Your obedient servant,

Ths. C. James

Corresponding Secretary of the A. P. S.

RC (DLC); printed form with salutation, date, and words in italics filled in blanks in a clerk’s hand; signed by Thomas C. James; at head of text: “The American Philosophical Society, Held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Useful Knowledge”; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 3 May and “Lowry’s communicn on silk” and so recorded in SJL.

received from you: see TJ to Caspar Wistar, 15 Feb.

Immediate means: Lowry’s essay on silkworms was published in the Philadelphia Medical and Physical Journal, 2, pt. 2 (1806), 90-9.

1Word on printed form underlined by hand.

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