Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Abner Ritchie, 15 February 1805

From Abner Ritchie

Geo Town 15. Feb. 1805.

Hond. Sir

I am wholly unacquainted with matters of the kind in question—My wish is that the subject may be inquired into by intelligent Characters, and also that I may be enabled to withhold the young Gentn. the Sons of Colo. Beatty from going to Law

I will on application furnish Mr. Munroe the Patent and every other Page within my Power—I know nothing of the justice of the Claim more than the papers, and the declaration of the decd Colo. Beatty just before his death—As Admr. I am not concerned in the question of Inter. but friendship to the Children led me to take the step that has been takin on their part

I knew not whether I was taking an improper course—Your answer Sir demands my sincere respects & Acknowledgments

With grateful Esteem I am Yr mo. Obedt.

A Ritchie

RC (ViW: Tucker-Coleman Collection); addressed: “The Honble. The President US.”; endorsed by TJ as received 15 Feb. and so recorded in SJL.

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