Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Patrick Byrne, 14 February 1805

To Patrick Byrne

Washington Feb. 14. 05.


I have safely recieved the volume of Dr. Priestley’s works which mr Priestley has been so kind as to destine for me. the matter is worthy of it’s author, and the mechanical execution does honor to the American artists.

I observe in your catalogue the following books.

pa. 18. Brown’s view of the civil law & law of Admiralty. 2. v. 8vo.
62. Chatham’s Anecdotes. 2. v. 8vo.
67. Enfield’s history of Philosophy. 2. v. 8vo.
77. Home’s chronologl. abridgmt. of the hist. of England
82. Mawe’s Every man his own gardener.

such of these books as you may still have on hand I shall be glad to recieve and will take care to remit you their amount as soon as known. if well wrapped in paper, especially with some pasteboard, & addressed to me at this place, they will come safely by the stage. Accept my salutations & respects.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Mr. Patrick Byrne”; endorsed by TJ.

On 6 Feb., TJ received the volume of Joseph Priestley’s Doctrines of Heathen Philosophy, Compared with Those of Revelation, which the author’s son arranged to be sent (Joseph Priestley, Jr., to TJ, 20 Dec. 1804; Byrne to TJ, 2 Jan.).

Byrne regularly made available a catalogue of his books for sale at his Law and Miscellaneous Bookstore located at 182 Market Street in Philadelphia. By early 1805 after dissolving a partnership with his son-in-law, he advertised that “he continues the publication of his Law Catalogue, to which he has added many new articles.” The catalogue, from which TJ enumerated page numbers for desired books, has not been identified (A Catalogue of the Quire Stock of Books of P. Byrne, with the Bound Price of Each Article Affixed, as Sold by Him to the Public [Philadelphia, 1802]; Library; or, Philadelphia Literary Reporter, 19 May, 1 Dec. 1804, 5 Jan. 1805).

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