Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Smith Barton, 1 February 1805

From Benjamin Smith Barton

Philadelphia, Feb. 1. 1805.


I am, at this time, engaged in revising for the press, my Eulogium (lately delivered before the Philosophical Society) on the late Dr. Priestley. I am anxious to render the performance as perfect as I can; and am, therefore, in pursuit of other materials, than those I have, hitherto, made use of. It has occurred to me, that some of Dr. Priestley’s letters to you would, possibly, furnish some facts, that may be useful to me. any thing of this kind will be acceptable to me. Whatever you may transmit to me, shall be most carefully preserved.

I am, Dear Sir, with the highest respect, Your very obedient & humble servant, &c.,

B. S. Barton.

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 5 Feb. and so recorded in SJL.

On 18 Jan., the American Philosophical Society ordered Barton’s Eulogium on Joseph Priestley to be printed in the next volume of its Transactions. In 1812, Barton requested to withdraw it so it could be expanded and published separately. Although he received this permission, the piece never appeared (APS description begins American Philosophical Society description ends , Proceedings, 22, pt. 3 [1885], 368, 370, 437; Benjamin H. Latrobe to TJ, 5 Jan.).

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