Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Abiel Holmes, 30 January 1805

From Abiel Holmes

Cambridge 30. Jan. 1805.


I feel greatly obliged by the attention you were pleased to bestow on the subject, on which I used the freedom to address you. In the republic of Letters mere hints of information or advice are often of inestimable value. All the books, mentioned in your Letter, I have access to, excepting Memoires de l’Amerique, and The American and British Chronicle. For the former of these I have made much inquiry, but do not hear of a copy on this side of Philadelphia. I gratefully acknowledge your kindness in offering me the loan of the other from your library. Should I not meet with that work previously to my coming, in the progress of my American Annals, down to the times of the Revolutionary War, I may then be greatly obliged by the loan of it.

In the mean time, I remain, with my grateful acknowledgments, Sir, Your respectful humble Servant

A. Holmes.

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 11 Feb. and so recorded in SJL.

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