Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Mason Locke Weems, 13 December 1804

To Mason Locke Weems

Washington Dec. 13. 04.


I thank you for the pamphlet you were so kind as to send me which I have read with great satisfaction. you ask my opinion on the subject of publishing the works of Algernon Sidney. the world has so long and so generally sounded the praises of his Discourses on government, that it seems superfluous, and even presumptuous, for an individual to add his feeble breath to the gale. they are in truth a rich treasure of republican principles, supported by copious & cogent arguments, and adorned with the finest flowers of science. it is probably the best elementary book of the principles of government, as founded in natural right, which has ever been published in any language: and it is much to be desired in such a government as ours that it should be put into the hands of our youth as soon as their minds are sufficiently matured for that branch of study. in publishing it, I think his life, trial & letters should be thrown into one volume & the Discourses into another. the latter is the most important, & many purses can reach one volume which could not conveniently extend to the other. should you proceed to the publication, be so good as to consider me as a subscriber: and accept my salutations & assurances of great esteem & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (DLC); at foot of text: “The revd. Mr. Weems.”

pamphlet: The True Patriot; see Weems to TJ, 22 Nov.

publishing the works of Algernon Sidney: Weems advertised his proposal to print Sidney’s Discourses concerning Government, which was published for him by Caleb P. Wayne in Philadelphia in 1805 in two octavo volumes. It included a brief biography of the author and a “copious index” and sold for five dollars. In a June 1807 bill with Mrs. John March, TJ had a credit of eight dollars for “1 Sett Sydney on Government” (Georgia Augusta Chronicle, and Gazette of the State, 22 June 1805; Sidney, Discourses concerning Government [Philadelphia, 1805; Shaw-Shoemaker description begins Ralph R. Shaw and Richard H. Shoemaker, comps., American Bibliography: A Preliminary Checklist for 1801-1819, New York, 1958-63, 22 vols. description ends , No. 9359]; Statement of Account with Mrs. John March, 30 June 1807).

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