Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from William Herring, 20 November 1804

From William Herring

New York—20th Novr. 1804

Dear Sir

I am verry sorry to Inform you that There has been a rebellion in South Carilina which Has proved fatel to your friends there the federalists are a damd. spunkey Sett and will not Put up with Such an administration as you have formed; and ttake the advise of a friend and Decline being reelected President of the U States or you will certenly Mak a rebellion Throug out all the States and depend uppon it Your heaad will go first do do for God Sake Take the advice of a friend I am In haste

I am your Seporter & friend

Wm Herring

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “Thos Jefferson Esqr”; endorsed by TJ as received 24 Nov. and so recorded in SJL.

On the state of South Carolina (Carilina) politics, see Peter Freneau to TJ, 14 Oct.

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