Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 14 September 1804

From Joseph Yznardi, Sr.

Cadiz 14th. September 1804.

Respected Sir.

With your Excellencys most valued and esteemed favour of the 19th. July, I have received the Bill your Excelly. was so obliging to remit me for

$200 drawn by James Madison Esqre. my order on Mr. James Maury of Liverpool which I have negociated with Messrs. Gordon & Co. at the Exchange of 36¼ d. ⅌ $ makg. £stg 39. 16.s 10½d not doubting of it being punctualy paid.

Knowing by positive reports that Mr. Pinckney is daily expected here to take passage for America, and that at Madrid no Person whatsoever remains to act in his absence; I thought it my duty and very proper to offer him my Services (as I intend going to Madrid next month) to act in his absence, and untill another reemplaces him, which I shall do in case he admits of my offer to the utmost of my power to give content and compleat Satisfaction; leaving my Vice Consul Mr. Anthony Terry at the head of this Consulship, which I hope will be to the entire Satisfaction of all our Citizens as heretofore.

Agreable to your Excellencys orders I have shipped as ⅌ the inclosed Bill Lading for

TJ 1 Butt of dry Pacharetti Wine of first Quality ⅌ the American Ship Hindostan Capt. John Mc.Farlane bound to Philadelphia, and Consigned to Mr. Chandler Price of said Port, subject to your Excellencys orders—I also inclose the Original Invoice from the House of Sherrys amounting to $200 which agreable to your Excellencys orders I have drawn this day for a favour of Mr. Anty. Terry at 30 days Sight. Spanish Dolls. $194.85/100.

The Sickness at Malaga continues augmenting in a terrible manner, 400. Inhabitants were swept off on the 10 inst.

With Sentiments of the highest esteem and veneration I am most Sincerely Respected Sir Your most obt. hble Servt.

Josef Yznardy

RC (DLC); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Yznardi; at foot of text: “To His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqre President of the U.S. of America Washington”; endorsed by TJ as received 11 Nov. and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: bill of lading, Jerez, 14 Sep., for one butt of “supr. dry Paxarette wine” from Gordon & Co., shipped by the ship Hindostan, Captain McFarlane, for New York (MS in same, TJ Papers, 143:24878). Enclosed invoice not found.

drawn this day: although not enclosed here, Yznardi’s draft on TJ for $194.85 ended up in TJ’s hands. On 13 Nov., Anthony Terry endorsed the bill of exchange over to “Capt. Jno. Dickey.” Dickey endorsed the bill over to Mead & Jenkins, a Savannah firm that in turn endorsed it over to James Jackson. TJ paid Jackson on 2 Mch. 1805 (MS in same, 143:24882, signed by Yznardi and endorsed by Terry, Dickey, Mead & Jenkins, and Jackson as “Reced in full”; Columbian Museum & Savannah Advertiser, 7 Nov.; MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1146; James Jackson to TJ, 1 Mch. 1805).

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