Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Jones & Howell, 4 September 1804

To Jones & Howell

Monticello Sep. 4. 04.


I some time ago made enquiry of you whether iron sheets of the dimensions therein stated could be obtained, and you informed me there would be no difficulty. I have now to desire you to send me an hundred sheets 11. f. 8 I. long & 16. I. broad. they must be clear of cracks, as they are for the gutturs of a roof. forward them as usual to Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond. I salute you with friendship & respect.

Th: Jefferson

PoC (MHi); at foot of text: “Messrs. Jones & Howell”; endorsed by TJ. Notation in SJL: “sheet iron for gutturs. 100. sheets.”

For TJ’s inquiry about iron sheets, see Vol. 42:151-2, 179-80.

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