Thomas Jefferson Papers

Enclosure: Apportionment of Expenditures for Arkansas River and Red River Expedition, 4 April 1804

Enclosure: Apportionment of Expenditures for Arkansas River and Red River Expedition

two thirds of one years pay to the two Gentlemen to be imployed at 3 dol pr. day each $1460
for Instruments & tools 500
for outfit 300
for presents to Indians 600
money to take with them. 140

MS (DLC: TJ Papers, 137:23731); undated, entirely in Dearborn’s hand. Dft (PHi); written on RC of TJ to Dearborn, 1 Apr.

two thirds of one years pay: in his draft figures, Dearborn initially allowed $2,190 for the full year’s pay, $400 for instruments, $200 for outfit of provisions, and $210 for presents. He then recalculated to allow for a deferral of one-third of the pay and for larger amounts in the other categories, finally arriving at the figures shown above.

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