From Thomas Jefferson to Mary Jefferson Eppes, 26 February 1804
To Mary Jefferson Eppes
Washington Feb. 26. 04.
A thousand joys to you, my dear Maria, on the happy accession to your family. a letter from our dear Martha by last post gave me the happy news that your crisis was happily over and all well. I had supposed that if you were a little later than your calculation, and the rising of Congress as early as we expected, that we might have been with you at the moment when it would have been so encouraging to have had your friends around you. I rejoice indeed that all is so well. Congress talk of rising the 12th. of March, but they will probably be some days later. you will doubtless see mr Eppes & mr Randolph immediately on the rising of Congress. I shall hardly be able to get away till some days after them. by that time I hope you will be able to go with us to Monticello and that we shall all be there together for a month: and the interval between that and the autumnal visit will not be long. will you desire your sister to send for mr Lilly and to advise him what orders to give Goliah for providing those vegetables which may come into use for the months of April, August & september. deliver her also my affectionate love. I will write to her the next week. kiss all the little ones, and be assured yourself of my tender and unchangeable affection.
RC (Mrs. Harold W. Wilson, Miami, Florida, 1963, on deposit ViU); signature clipped; addressed: “Mrs. Eppes at Edgehill near Milton”; franked. PoC (ViU: Edgehill-Randolph Papers); signed and endorsed by TJ.
happy accession to your family: Mary gave birth to a daughter, named after her, on 15 Feb. (Thomas Jefferson’s Prayer Book, ed. John Cook Wyllie [Charlottesville, 1952], plate 9).
A letter of 17 Feb. from martha Jefferson Randolph, recorded in SJL as received 22 Feb. from Edgehill, has not been found.