Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Dinsmore, 12 February 1802

From James Dinsmore

Monticello Feb 12th 1802


nothing Material has occured Since My last of the 23d Ult. I am Still engaged in the dining room. & have got one of the arches up I Send you Inclosed two designs of a Sash for the arch leading to the bow, & will be glad of your determination or for any other design you may prefer. that I may get them Made, to further the work I will Make them at night as they must be put in before the architrave is put up. I find there has been a Mistake in the large patrias for the spaces between the Mutules in the cornice of the bow they are 11 incs. & the projection of the plenceer is only 9 incs so that they are 2 incs two large the dimensions given for them was 9 ins by 11 in. you will have to get 22 (the number wanted) Made of 9 inchis diameter. the sooner they arrive here the better as they ought to be put on before the paistirers scaffold is Struck. I Shall want some Isinglass to put in the glue, a peice of Spunge, and two or three painters brushes of different sizes which Might Come along with them. Prince Ruspoli Called here yesterday. he was attend by Mr Randolph—Mr Wanschare will be obliged if you will send him ten Dollars.

I am Sir with Respect

Jas. Dinsmore

nails made from the 18th. Jan to the 6th Feb.

d lbs }  
XX. 165.6.  
XVI. 109.8  
X. 218.7. amnt of nails Sold from 23d Jan. to the 12th Feb
VIII.  81.7.  
VI.  84.7. £21—15— 7
IV.  32.
  692.5    Cash rcd—£ 0  0 00

FC (ViU: Monticello); in Dinsmore’s hand; on same sheet as letters of 12 Dec. 1801, 1 Jan., and 23 Jan. 1802. Recorded in SJL as received 17 Feb. Enclosures not found.

For a view of the entablature that Dinsmore was installing in the Dining room at Monticello, see Stein, Worlds description begins Susan R. Stein, The Worlds of Thomas Jefferson at Monticello, New York, 1993 description ends , 80.

Plenceer: that is, plancere (see Asher Benjamin, The Country Builder’s Assistant [Greenfield, Mass., 1797], plate 8; Evans, description begins Charles Evans, Clifford K. Shipton, and Roger P. Bristol, comps., American Bibliography: A Chronological Dictionary of All Books, Pamphlets and Periodical Publications Printed in the United States of America from … 1639 … to … 1820, Chicago and Worcester, Mass., 1903–59, 14 vols. description ends No. 31797).

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