From Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Claxton, 2 June 1801
To Thomas Claxton
Washington June 2. 1801
Dear Sir
In my letter of the day before yesterday I mentioned that [I was] not then fixed on the inscription for the Silver ewer. I was con[vinced] to have the following words engraved on the upper side of the lid. to wit “[Copied from] a model taken in 1778. by Th. Jefferson from a Roman Ewer in the Cabinet of antiquities at [Nismes.]” I enclose you a [paper] showing in what manner I think it may be best [inscribed], and also [how] the [Stanza] of the [letters] be formed. accept my friendly salutations & good wishes
Th: Jefferson
PrC (MHi); faint; with enclosure letterpressed on same sheet; at foot of text: “Mr. Thomas Claxton Philadelphia”; endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Enclosure: Illustration of 7 lines of centered text written inside the shape of a shield (PrC in same).
My letter of the day before yesterday: TJ to Claxton, 31 May, recorded in SJL but not found.