To Thomas Jefferson from George Wythe, 10 April 1800
From George Wythe
10 of april, 1800.
G’ Wythe to T’Jefferson
After the seventh decad of my years began i learned to write with the left hand, as you may see by this specimen, and that with ease,1 although slowly. yet if to write were painfull, i should, before this time, have answered your letter of 28 of february: but i have been endeavouring to recollect what little of parliamentary procedings i formerly knew, and find myself unable to give information on the questions which you propounded. adieu, my best friend.
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 18 Apr. and so recorded in SJL.
Find myself unable to give information: with this letter Wythe apparently returned the queries on parliamentary procedures, which TJ had enclosed in his letter of 28 Feb.
1. Preceding four words interlined.