From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 17 November [1798]
To James Madison
Monticello Nov. 17. [1798]
Th:J. to J.M.
Mr. Richardson has been detained by several jobs indispensable to the progress of the carpenters, & to the securing what is done against the winter. when will Whitton be done with you? or could you by any means dispense with his services till I set out for Philadelphia? my floors can only be laid while I am at home, and I cannot get a workman here. perhaps you have some other with you or near you who could go on with your work till his return to you. I only mention these things that if you have any other person who could enable you to spare him a few weeks, I could employ him to much accomodation till my departure in laying my floors. but in this consult your own convenience only.—I inclose you a copy of the draught of the Kentuckey resolves. I think we should distinctly affirm all the important principles they contain, so as to hold to that ground in future, and leave the matter in such a train as that we may not be committed absolutely to push the matter to extremities, & yet may be free to push as far as events will render prudent. I think to set out so as to arrive at Philadelphia the Saturday before Christmas. my friendly respects to mrs Madison, to your father & family. health, happiness & Adieu to yourself.
40. ℔. of IVy. nails @ 14 ½ d per ℔ were sent this morning, being all we had. they will yield (according to the count of a single pound) 314 x 40 = 12,560.
RC (DLC: Madison Papers, Rives Collection); partially dated, with “1799” added at dateline in unknown hand, leading to a later misunderstanding by Madison as noted in his letter to Nicholas P. Trist, 23 Sep. 1830 (see
, 17:181); correct year supplied from SJL; addressed: “James Madison junr. Orange.” PrC (DLC); in ink at foot of text: “Madison James.” Enclosure: PrC of Document II of the group of documents on the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798, printed at 4 Oct. 1798.Richard Richardson carried this letter (Madison to TJ, 11 Dec. 1798).
A letter from Madison to TJ of 19 Nov., recorded in SJL as received 20 Nov. 1798, has not been found.