Thomas Jefferson Papers

Statement of Nailery Profits, 30 September 1797

Statement of Nailery Profits

Statement of annual disbursements and receipts on account of the Nailery.
1794. D D
May. 31. To paid Caleb Lownes for 1. ton of nail rod 106.67
transportation  12.33  119.00
July. 1. To do. 1. ton & transportn  119.00
Sep. 30. To coal @ 2d. per bushel & 666. bushels for every ton is 18.50 per ton. for 2. ton   37.
To 3. pr. ct. on £49.2.11. to George    4.85
Feb. 28. To Lownes for nail rod 3. tons @ 105.33 = 316
transportn @ 16.D.    48  364.
July 1. To Lownes nailrod 2. ton @ 105. 210
transprtn @ 16.D.    32  242.67
Sep. 30. To coal for 5. ton of rod @ 18.50.   92.50
To George & Isaac this year.   32.65
Profit from beginning to this day  593.41
May 21 } By amount of sale of nails during this period £49.2.11 =  163.82
Sep. 30
Oct. 1 } By amount of sale of nails during this period £432.7.7 = 1441.26 1605.08
Sep. 30
Oct. To Lownes for nail rod 3. ton @ 112. = 336.
transportation @ 16.  48  384.
Nov. To Gamble for nailrod 1. ton @ 133.
transportn @  8.33  141.33
Apr. To Gamble for nailrod 1/2 ton @  80.
transportn  4.16   84.16
May 13 To Howell for nailrod 3 ton @ 122.67= 368.
hoops 1/2 ton @ 144.62=  72.31
transportn @ 16. 56.    496.31
Sep. 24. To Howell for nailrod 3. ton @ 138.67= 416
transportn @ 16. = 48.    464.
30. To coal for 11. ton of rod @ 18.50  203.50
To George 2. p.c. on 2127.33.   42.54
To Fleming & Mc.lanachan on their sales of    £ s d
 this year 111— 2—1 5. per cent   18.52
To T. Carr do.  48— 8—4    8.06
To S. Clarke do. 254—18—4   42.50
transportn to Staunton   42.50
Profit from Oct. 1. 95. to Sep. 30. 96.  199.91
1795 } By amount of sales of nails during this period £638.4. 2127.33
 Oct. 1.
 Sep. 30
 Apr. 15. To Roberts for nailrod 3. ton @ 133.33 = 400
transportn  @ 16.  48     448.00
July To Jordan for nailrod 1 ¾ton @ 142.33= 249.08
transportn   9     258.08
Sep. 30. To coal for 4 3/4 tons @ 18.50   87.87
To George 2. p.c. on 1868.06   37.36
£ s d
To Flem’ & Mc.lan. on their sales of this year 47-11-4 @ 5. p.c.    7.93
To. T. Carr 80-90-0   13.40
To S. Clarke 234-18-6 1/2   39.10
 transportation to Staunton   39.10
 Profit this year  937.22
1796. } By amount of sales of nails during this period 1868.06
Oct. 1.
Sep. 30
   Recapitulations from May 1794. to Sep. 30. 1797
Profits to Sep. 30. 1795.  593.41
Sep. 30. 1796  199.91
Sep. 30. 1797  937.22
1790.54 which on 22 3/4 ton of rod is 76.D pr. ton profit.
Amount of sales to Sep. 30. 1794.  163.82
Sep. 30. 1795 1441.26
Sep. 30. 1796 2127.33
Sep. 30. 1797. 1868.06
5600.47 which on 22 3/4 tons of rod is
 244.17D received for the nails from each ton of rod.
Analysis. on every ton. George   5. } 244.17
commn on sales  10.
coal  18.50
transportn  16
profit  76
cost 118.67
note the nailrod was all out Sep. 30. 97. which makes it a proper epoch for calculation1

MS (ViU); entirely in TJ’s hand, with an additional entry in pencil (see note below); TJ’s block printing shown in small capitals; written in a bound ledger that also contains personal accounts, 1767–1770, accounts of Nicholas Lewis as superintendent of TJ’s properties, 1786–1792, TJ’s index to those and other accounts of 1783–1792, and accounts, lists, and sketches made by members of the Randolph family in the 1840s and 1850s; this statement being immediately preceded in the ledger by eight pages of chronological accounts, 21 May 1794 through 27 Nov. 1795, entirely in TJ’s hand, recording expenditures for nailrod and charcoal on the left (verso) side of each pair of facing leaves and receipts from sales of nails in pounds, shillings, and pence on the right (recto) pages, with heading on each verso page: “The Nailery,” and with TJ’s note below the final entry: “See a more summary statement in the following pages.”

TJ paid Benjamin Jordan $249.08 for nailrod on 21 July 1797. According to TJ’s financial records this is the only time he used Jordan as a supplier for the nailery (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , ii, 967). Neither a letter from Jordan to TJ of 6 Jan., recorded in SJL as received the next day, nor letters from TJ to Jordan of 19 Jan. and 21 July 1797, recorded in SJL, have been found.

TJ kept another set of nailery accounts, in which he made a chronological record of nails “Bespoke” and “Delivered” from January 1796 to November 1800, noting the sizes, quantities, and price of the nails in each order. With those accounts are miscellaneous notes by TJ relating to nail production and his ledger of the daily production of different sizes of nails by each of the nailery’s workers during the first six months of 1796 (CLU-C; entirely in TJ’s hand).

1Below this statement TJ added in pencil an entry for 18 Oct. 1797:

“To Roberts for nailrod 3 1/4 ton @ 128 = 416
transportn @  16.  52

Index Entries