Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Stuart, 22 February 1796

To Archibald Stuart

Monticello Feb. 22. 1796.

Dear Sir

My letter of Jan. 3. was still in my hands, when the reciept of considerable orders for nails, immediately wanting, prevented my commencing a supply for Staunton. I therefore thought it better to hold up my letter till I could begin on a stock for Staunton. We are now at work on them, and in about 10. days shall have ready a supply of VIs. VIIIs. Xs. XIIs. XVIs. XXs. and of XVI. penny brads. Say 100. ℔ of each, which shall be followed by successive and timely supplies.

I percieve by the last Philadelphia prices current that there is a rise of 1d. to 1½ d. per ℔ on nails. I wait to see if this is permanent or a casualty of the day; in the former case that addition will be made to the prices stated in the former letter. I will thank you to put me immediately into the hands of some good retailer, and I will promise to trouble you no more on this subject.—I have just recieved my cutting machine, and iron for 4. pennies, which I shall shortly begin to cut. I doubt whether the larger nails will be called for cut, as they are not fit for country work. Should they be desired however, I will provide proper iron and furnish them. Let me hear from you as soon as you can. Adieu Your’s affectionately

Th: Jefferson

RC (ViHi); addressed: “Mr. Alexander Stuart Staunton,” but correctly recorded in SJL as a letter to Archibald Stuart; stamped.

On 27 Feb. 1796 John Kelly, a Charlottesville merchant, wrote a brief note to TJ ordering twenty pounds of brads to satisfy the demand of the “generality of the people” (RC in DLC; unrelated notation by TJ on verso: “Short Wm. acct. on winding up my affairs at Paris”).

A letter from Archibald Stuart to TJ of 28 Feb. 1796, recorded in SJL as received 7 Mch. 1796, has not been found.

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