To Thomas Jefferson from Eliza House Trist, [ca. 30 May 1792]
From Eliza House Trist
[ca. 30 May 1792]
Dr Sir
Mr. Madison consented that Mrs. Pine Shou’d finnish a portrait of him self—which was began by Mr. Pine: The Morning he left the city he desired that I wou’d refer the Ladies to you for payment; and you will also please to receive it under your roof. I am Your &ca
E. Trist
RC (DLC: TJ Papers, 235:42144); undated; addressed: “Mr Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ. Recorded in SJL as received 30 May 1792.
TJ quickly asked his daughter Mary to ascertain the price of Robert Edge Pine’s portrait of James Madison, and bought it on 2 June 1792 (TJ to Mary Jefferson, [30 May 1792], and note).