Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to William Mewburn, 14 November 1793

To William Mewburn

Germantown near Philadelphia Nov. 14. 1793.


Mr. Donald of London, in a letter of Aug. 30. informs me you had been so kind as to take charge of a telescope for me. Not knowing whether you are yet arrived, and apprehending, if you were, that you might forward the glass on to this place, I take the liberty of lodging the present letter at Richmond, to desire you, instead of sending it on here to deliver it to Mr. Randolph my son in law whenever he may happen to be in Richmond, or to his order. Any duty or other charge which may have been paid on it shall be thankfully repaid as soon as made known. Returning you many thanks for the obliging office you have done, I remain with esteem Sir Your most obedt. servt.

Th: Jefferson

PrC (DLC); at foot of text: “Mr. Mewbern.” Tr (ViU: Edgehill-Randolph Papers); 19th-century copy. Enclosed in TJ to Robert Gamble, 14 Nov. 1793.

William Mewburn of Mewburn & Company, previously a partner in the defunct firm of William Mewburn & Company, was a Richmond merchant dealing in textiles and other English goods who had just returned from a buying trip to Great Britain (Richmond Virginia Gazette, and General Advertiser, 20 Nov. 1793).

TJ’s letter makes clear that Alexander Donald’s missing letter of Aug. 30. did not accompany the telescope entrusted to Mewburn, as the Editors mistakenly inferred in note to Donald to TJ, 10 Mch. 1793.

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