From Thomas Jefferson to George Washington, 5 March 1793
To George Washington
Mar. 5. 93.
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President is sorry to inclose him an account of Mr. Barclay’s death in a letter to a Mr. Callahan of this place from his brother in Lisbon.
RC (DNA: RG 59, MLR); addressed: “The President of the US”; endorsed by Tobias Lear. Tr (Lb in same, SDC). Not recorded in SJL. Enclosure: “Extract of a Letter dated Lisbon 24th. January 1793,” describing the death of Thomas Barclay, “who arrived here about 10 days ago from Cadiz after being at Gibralter, I suppose could Not do anything with the Algarines or Morroqims, he came here to pass a little time, he was Suddenly taken with an inflamation in his Bowels which carried him off in 36 hours. Every attention that could be paid to him in his Sickness was done by Mr. Saml. Harrison and Col. Humphrys who attended him all the time with the best Physicians in the place, he was buryed on the 21 Inst. with the greatest Decency at the same time not in the most costly manner, all the American Merchants attended his buryel at the English burying grounds and I attended there too at the Request of the Counsil, all the American Ships were in mourning and Captns. attended. I am sorry to find this Gentn. left a Widdow and four Children, I don’t Suppose his Freinds will know of his Death by this Vessel” (Tr in same, MLR).