To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 26 February 1793
From George Washington
Philadelphia Feb: 26th 1793.
The Minister of France may, as soon as he pleases, make arrangements with the Secretary of the Treasury for the payment of Three Million of Livres on account of the debt due from the U: States to France (including the one hundred thousand dollars already ordered, in part) agreeably to the requisition of M. Le Brun Minister for Foreign Affairs in that Country, and In such manner as will comport with the State of the Treasury.
Go: Washington
RC (DLC); at foot of text: “The Secretary of State”; endorsed by TJ as received 26 Feb. 1793. Dft (TxAuLBJ); varies slightly in wording; docketed by Washington. FC (Lb in DNA: RG 59, SDC); wording follows Dft. Recorded in SJPL.
This day TJ wrote a brief note to Washington enclosing “the Decypher of a Note from Mr. Barclay expressed in Cypher” (RC in DNA: RG 59, MLR, addressed “The President of the US.,” endorsed by Tobias Lear; Tr in Lb in same, SDC; not recorded in SJL). The enclosure was the decipherment of Thomas Barclay’s second letter to TJ of 27 Dec. 1792.