Thomas Jefferson Papers

Memorandum on Consuls Recommended for Appointment, 18 February 1793

Memorandum on Consuls Recommended for Appointment

Havre. Nathaniel Cutting of Massachusets, Consul of the U.S. of A. for the port of Havre in France, and for such other parts of that country as shall be nearer to the said port than to the residence of any other Consul or Vice consul of the U.S. within the same allegiance.
Falmouth. Edward Fox native1 of Great Britain. Consul of the US. of A. for the port of Falmouth in the kingdom of Great Britain, and for such other parts of the said kingdom as shall be nearer to the said port than to the residence of any other Consul or Vice consul of the US. in the same kingdom.
Cadiz. Joseph Yznardi native2 of Spain, Consul of the US. of A. for the port of Cadiz, in the kingdom of Spain, and for such other parts of the said kingdom as shall be nearer to the said port than to the residence of any other Consul or Vice-consul of the US. within the same allegiance.
Alicant. Robert Montgomery of Alicant Consul of the US. of A. for the port of Alicant in the kingdom of Spain, and for such other parts of the said kingdom as shall be nearer to the said port than to the residence of any other Consul or viceconsul of the US. within the same allegiance.
Hamburg. John Parish native3 of Great Britain. Consul of the US. of A. for the port of Hamburg and for all other places within the same allegiance.
Santa Cruz. Henry Cooper of Pensylvania Consul of the US. of A. for the island of Santa Cruz and for all other places under the same allegiance in America as shall be nearer to the said island of Santa Cruz than to the residence of any other Consul or Vice Consul of the US. within the same allegiance.
St. Eustatius. David Matthew Clarkson of Pennsylvania. Consul for the US. of A. for the island of Saint Eustatius and for all other places under the same allegiance in America which shall be nearer to the said island of St. Eustatius than to the residence of any other Consul or Viceconsul of the US. within the same allegiance.
Curaçoa. Benjamin Hamnell Philips of Pensylvania. Consul for the US. of A. in the island of Curaçoa and for all other places under the same allegiance in America which shall be nearer to the said island of Curaçoa than to the residence of any other Consul or Vice consul of the US. within the same allegiance.

Th: Jefferson
Feb. 18. 1793.

PrC (DLC). Entry in SJPL: “Consuls.”

President Washington incorporated this memorandum into a message that he submitted on 19 Feb. 1793 to the Senate, which confirmed all of his consular nominees the following day (JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States … to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington, D.C., 1828 description ends , i, 129–30). For the background, see Memorandum on Consuls and Consular Appointments, 15 Feb. 1793, and note. The appointment of Edward Fox to be consul at Falmouth was a mistake, and the intended candidate, Robert W. Fox, was not nominated and confirmed until May 1794 (same, 158, 159).

On 25 Feb. 1793 Thomas Hartley of Philadelphia, unaware that the Senate had already confirmed John Parish as consul for Hamburg, wrote a letter to TJ in which he recommended the appointment of Caspar Voght, “a Man of great respectability as a Merchant at Hamburg” (RC in DLC: Washington Papers, Applications for Office; at foot of text: “Mr. Jefferson Secretary of State”; endorsed by TJ as received 25 Feb. 1793 and so recorded in SJL).

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