Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes of Cabinet Meeting on Indian Affairs, 10 December 1792

Notes of Cabinet Meeting on Indian Affairs

1792. Dec. 10. Present A.H. Genl. Knox, E.R. and T.J. at the President’s. [It] was agreed to reject meeting the Indians at the proposed treaty, rather than admit a mediation by Gr. Br. but to admit the presence of Govr. Simcoe, not as a party, if that was insisted on, and that I should make1 a verbal communication to Mr. Hammond in substance as on the back hereof, which I previously read to the President.

MS (DLC); torn; entirely in TJ’s hand; written with “Anas” entries for 12 and 17 Dec. 1792 on the other side of a sheet containing Notes for a Conversation with George Hammond, [ca. 10 Dec. 1792]; recorded in SJPL. Included in the “Anas.”

1Word interlined in place of “have.”

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