Enclosure: George Washington to Jacquelin Ambler, 13 November 1792
George Washington to Jacquelin Ambler
Philadelphia Nov. 13. 1792.
Be pleased to pay to Messrs. Johnson, Stuart and Carrol Commissioners of the Federal buildings on the Patowmac, or to their order, or the order of any two of them, the second instalment of the monies granted by the state of Virginia towards the said buildings.
Go: Washington
RC (Vi); in TJ’s hand except for Washington’s signature; at foot of text: “The Treasurer of Virginia”; endorsed on verso in David Stuart’s hand and signed by Stuart and Daniel Carroll: “Pay the within contents to Colo. Willm. Deakins on order”; docketed and signed by John Hopkins: “May 6th. 1793 Recd a Warrant on the Treasury of Virga for Fifteen Thousand dollars in part of the within.” PrC (DLC); unsigned. Recorded in SJPL.