From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, [18 May 1792]
To James Madison
Friday [Philadelphia, 18 May 1792]
I have just received a Northern hare, and have got from the market a common one. It may be worth your while to come half an hour before we go to E.R’s to examine their difference, as they must be skinned soon.
RC (DLC: Madison Papers); undated; at head of text: “Th:J. to J.M.”; not recorded in SJL. Endorsed by Madison.
The northern hare was probably that given to Peale’s Museum as reported in the National Gazette, 29 Aug. 1792: “A white Hare, of which species some numbers have appeared in this, and the neighbouring northern states; within these four years past; before that period unknown: Presented by the Hon. Thomas Jefferson.” TJ left Philadelphia on 14 July and Madison had departed 20 May. The date of this document is determined by the presence of both men in the city on the Friday before Madison left.