To Thomas Jefferson from James Maury, 8 May 1792
From James Maury
8th: May 1792.
I request you to have it made known that no Tobacco-laden Vessel whatever, under one hundred and fifty Tons Register, can enter an Irish port with out being subject, with Cargo, to Confiscation; even only touching for orders to a Market, this is precisely the predicament of the Defiance Cap: Hatton touching at Cork the 26th. past for the orders of the Consignee now under seizure for being under size; but I hope will be liberated.—I have the Honor to be with the most perfect esteem Sir Your most Obedient and Most Humble Servant,
James Maury
RC (DNA: RG 59, NL); endorsed by TJ as received (at Monticello) 29 July 1792; at foot of text in pencil in clerk’s hand: “Sent copy to Fenno and Freneau 7 Augt. 1792.”