Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Daniel L. Hylton, 2 February 1792

From Daniel L. Hylton

Richmond Virginia Feby. 2th. 1792

Dear Sir

Your esteem’d favour of 8th. last month I received, with the Bill for your son in law Mr. Randolph, who was here at the time and delivered it to him. Since the rect. of your favour have made diligent search for your tobo. but cannot find more than the two Hhds. mentioned to you in my last. The bearer Mr. Pope who will deliver you this, is now on his way to Philadelphia to solicit a commission from congress to go against the Indians and who was in the last action under Genl. St. Clair. His conduct, as I am informd, in that engagement, merits the esteem of his country and flatter myself from the credentials he carrys with him, will receive your countenance and every friendly service you can render him on this occasion. Mrs. Hylton unites with me in wishing you & yours every happiness & am dear Sir your friend & Servt.,

Danl. L. Hylton

RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 12 Feb. 1792 and so recorded in SJL.

Apparently TJ rendered Percy Smith Pope the service requested. On 12 Mch. President Washington appointed him to the army’s artillery battalion (JEP description begins Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States … to the Termination of the Nineteenth Congress, Washington, 1828 description ends , i, 112, 115; see also Knox to Lear, 27 Feb. 1792, and reply of same date, DLC: Washington Papers).

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