Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from George Washington, 14 December 1791

From George Washington

Phila. Decr. 14th. 1791

Dear Sir

I am very glad to find that matters, after all that has happened, stand so well between the Commissioners and Majr. L’Enfant.—I am sorry, however, to hear that the work is not in a more progressive State.

Yesterday afternoon I wrote a letter, of which the enclosed is the copy to Majr. L’Enfant, and receiving his of the 10th. added the Postscript thereto.—I hope the two will have a good effect.—I am always with great regard yr. affectionate,

Go: Washington

RC (DLC); addressed: “Mr. Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 14 Dec. 1791 and recorded in SJPL as: “G.W. to Th:J. Letter relative to Commissioners and Lenfant.”

Washington’s letter to L’Enfant of yesterday afternoon was his formal response to the latter’s 7 Dec. 1791 defense of his actions in pulling down Carroll’s house (see TJ’s observations on that letter in enclosure to TJ to Washington, 11 Dec. 1791; Fitzpatrick, Writings description begins John C. Fitzpatrick, ed., The Writings of George Washington, Washington, 1931–1944, 39 vols. description ends , xxxi, 442–4; and Vol. 20: 51).

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