Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Enclosure: Statement of Account with the United States, 30 June 1791


Statement of Account with the United States

Dr: Th: Jefferson Esqr: Secy: of State to the United States of America Cr:

1791 1791
April 30 To sundry Drafts Money furnished from the 1st: July 1790 till the 30 Apl. 1791 as ⅌ note ƒ26467.11.8 June 10 By your Remittce. in a draft of Saml. Meredith Esqr. of 19. March 10/d sight to your order on our Selves No. 210. ƒ99000.
May 5 To 1 draft of D. Humphreys Esqr: order J. Bulkeley & Son B.ƒ1331.5 Ago. ⅌   1331. 5.
June 29 To 1 do. of Wm. Short Esqr: order Grand & Co. Bo. ƒ529.14. Ag. 1/2 ⅌Ct.    531.
30 To balance which we carry to new Acct:  70670. 3.8

Since are paid by us the following Drafts

July 25 1 of D. Humphreys 20 May @ 2. Us. order J. Bulkeley & S: Bo.ƒ5275. ag. 1⅌  ƒ5327.15.
29. 1 of Wm: Short 18. July 10d order Grand & Co. Bo.ƒ223.15. ag. ?.⅌    226.
Augt: 10. 1 of do. 4 June 10/d order Grand and Co.   298. 6.8    298. 6.8
12 1 of do. 5 July do.   222.10. @ 1⅌    224.14.8
1 au do. C.W.F. Dumas order N. & J.V. Staphst & Hubbard    296.14.
Septr: 1. 1 of D. Humphreys 1 July a Us. order J. Bulkeley & Son Bo.ƒ3990. 1.8 ⅞ pct.   4024.19.8
1 of Wm: Short 18 Augt. 10/d. order Grand & Compy. Bo.ƒ220. ⅞
Octr: 6. 1. of do: 20 Septr. 10/d. do:   553. 2.8 1⅌    558.13.8
ƒ11179. 1.8
Errors Excepted
Amsterdam. the 30. June 1791
Wm: Jn: Willink
N. & J. Van Staphorst &

Note of sundry drafts and money furnished to the following from the 1. July 1790 till the 30. April 1791 for which the formerly Account Currt: sent to the United States are debited, for which amount or by Specifications hereunder we credit the Account of the United States, and transfer on that of Th: Jefferson Esqr. Secretary of State vizt.

1790. Wm: Short
1 draft  7. Augt: 10/d Bo.ƒ556.10. Ago. ¼⅌ct:  ƒ 557.18.
1 do.  3 Sept:  445. 5. ½    447.10.
1 do:  7 Octr.  271.18.8.    272. 5.8
1 do: 22 Septr: 1328.17.   1330.10.
1 do.  3 Novr.  354. 2. @ 99½    352. 7.
1 do. 13 "  859. 6.    859. 6.
  Money paid him   2199. 5.
  Money paid him   8131.14.
1791. 1 draft 31 March  704.7.    704. 7.
1 do.  7 April  612.    612.
ƒ15467. 2.8

Of which we deduct the sums disbursed by him on public Account vizt. for sundry disbursements including the expenses of his Journey here and

Salary of his Secretary £175. 1. ƒ2491.14.
1 assign. of £76.10.
5 ⅌Ct. loss   3.16.6   72.13.6   91. 6.   2583.
£247.14.6 @ 44. ago. ½ ⅌. ƒ12884. 2.8
1790. Wm: Carmichael
1 draft 22 April 1½ Us Bo. ƒ2800 ago.   ⅜ ⅌. ƒ2810.10.
1 do. 12 July do.  2180. 2   ¼  2185.11.
1 do. do. do.   619.18. 99½ ⅌.   616.16.
1791 1 do. 29 Novr: 1790 90/d do.  1400.  1   ⅌.  1414.
1 do. 31 Jany. 1½ Us.  2800. 99¾  2793.   9819.17.
1790. C.W.F. Dumas
1 Assign. ƒ1625.
1 do.   297.
1791 1 do.   216.12.
1 do.  1625.   3763.12.

PrC (DLC). Tr (DNA: RG 59, DL). FC (DLC: Washington Papers). TJ enclosed the above account with his letter to Washington of 7 Mch. 1792.

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