II. Tobias Lear to the Secretary of State, 27 February 1791
II. Tobias Lear to the Secretary of State
United States February 27th 1791.
By the President’s command T. Lear has the honor respectfully to transmit to the Secretary of State a Resolution of the Senate upon the President’s Message of the 19th of January last. T. Lear has, moreover, the honor to inform the Secretary of State that on the 26th of this month the Senate did, in pursuance of the President’s nominations, advise and consent to the following appointments viz.
Joseph Anderson, of the State of Delaware, to be one of the Judges in the Territory of the U. S. south of the Ohio, in place of William Peery who has declined his appointment, and
William Murry, of Kentucky, to be Attorney for the U. S. in the District of Kentucky, in place of James Brown, who has declined his appointment.
Tobias Lear
Secretary to the President
of the United States
PrC (DNA: RG 59, MLR); docketed by Lear. Tr (DNA: RG 59, SDC). Not recorded in SJL. Enclosure: Resolution of the Senate on 26 Feb. 1791 concerning complaint by France against tonnage Acts of 1789 and 1790 (i, 77; see group of documents on that subject).